ENTRY 4 Chinese seal engraving Iteration #3
Chinese seal engraving Iteration #3
Every story ends in its time. Moon waxes and wanes. This iteration is my last one. What I am going to focus on this part of the iteration is the actually engraving of the stone.
I have already prepared my stone and it is ready to start.
The actually carving itself was not too easy but was also not hard. It is complicated in a literally way, sometimes you have to really try it then you will know. The stone is fairly soft the iron tip, however it is really confusing when is a good moment to use strength on my fingers to push and when to stop. I have made several spot of imperfectness on the seal stone, however I think every piece of a good work pays a price.
The tool is what really hurts my hand and fingers, due to the improvisation tool choosing, I had to grab at the very tip of the iron, which has rough edges, and I had to force my strength on it, which was really suffering. The whole process took me around 1-2hours, and the process is pretty fun but slow.
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